My Blog List

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Ok so here I go. I am entering the wonderful world of blogging. I am making this my New Years resolution. A Facebook friend recently asked if anyone blogged. Myself not being a writer said no,but I would like to try. So then I seriously asked myself, What would I "Blog" about? Hmmm? I know I need to and want to lose weight this year maybe I will blog about that. So here I am letting everyone join me on my year long journey into weight loss.

I did do Weight Watchers a year before my wedding and I lost just about 30 pounds. Low and behold I gained most ok all of it back. This time I am going to try and do this myself. Mike and I recently purchased a Wii game system. It came with Wii Fit Plus and I recieved The Biggest Loser game. I have done both and really liked them. I did work up a pretty good sweat. So I think I will do those a few times a week. I am also vowing to drink lots more water and watch my food portions,any suggestions would be great!

I will be weighing in here once a week and updating everyone on how this is going for me. I don't even know if anyone will read this but I think it will help me. TTFN!

Starting Weight 198 Lbs 1/2/10
Short Term Goal 188 Lbs
Long term Goal 168 Lbs
Very Long term goal 135 Lbs (this I am sure will take longer than a year)


  1. Awesome idea for a blog. Blogging definitely helps in holding you accountable.

    Here is my story:

  2. Yaaay for you Bridget!! Welcome to the blogging world and Good luck on your journey.

    I'm also working on the weight issue this year.
